On 25 May, after a long and in-depth phase of negotiations, ConfesercentiFederalberghiFedercongressi&eventi and Unindustria, together with Roma Capitale and the Lazio Region,  presented the operative model of the new-born system of representation and promotion of what Rome and Lazio MICE can offer on national and international markets. The aim was to stimulate the rebirth of the Tourism sector and the considerable incomes it generates on the territory. That also means to occupy a new position on the market compared to other sectors, which are less prestigious and appealing.

On 21 June we attended the creation of the Convention Bureau Rome and Lazio. Thirty-nine companies/associations were there for the first underwriting, among them also CP Centro Pilota in the person of Eric Bassanesi.

On 25 July there will be the opportunity for a new underwriting.